First show of tour – AmsterAmsterdamdamdam!

The days starts late for us, but the clouds are clearing and the hotel checkout lady tells me it’s the best she’s seen in months.  Outside the gentle breeze brings the scent of the sea and leaves dance under sunlight.

the canal out front of the hotel a perfect day


I take a quick walk to get some toothpaste and note how close the candy selection is to the dental care section.

two sides to every story

I sit for moment with Mick, Jeff and Fonz as they celebrate the beautiful weather and the start of the tour.  Toasts are made.

The time honored pastime

Jeff relaxes in the sun waiting for our shuttle

At the venue everyone runs around preparing.  Last minute decisions are made, and on the fly choices are choosed.

when you’re on the crew you catch rest when you can.

Tommy our stage left tech, makes sure he knows which basses Philip needs when.

Then, the inevitable happens: we have a show.  First up is Steve Morse and they come on like fire.

Steve Morse and Dave LaRue bring it.

I wander out into the venue to check out the view from the light and soundboards.

behind Alastair our lighting director

from the vantage point of Ace, our front of house sound man

Next up is My Vai, or “Stevie” as Joe has dubbed him for this tour.  He and his band kick it hard.

Philip, Dave and Stevie hold it….hold it…wait for it…

After Steve Vai’s set we come up and play and fuck up a few parts, working out our sections…experimenting a little.  The G3 jam section is sloppy but so very enjoyable.  Afterwards everyone is relieved.  The first show is done and we got through it.

Joe, Steve and Stevie try to remember what happened.

And of course the dressing room has the requisite local oddities.

here we go again…


See you in Germany!

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